Saturday, November 6, 2010

In case you were wondering

I haven't nearly been paying enough attention to the Costa Rica - Nicaragua border dispute, but I'm not sure that the Onion's Wayne Madsen's summary of events really helps. 
Borrowing its war plan against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua from Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush, and Oliver North, the Obama administration has given a green light to two neighbors of Nicaragua -- Costa Rica and Honduras -- to ratchet up tensions on their borders with Nicaragua.
Feel free to take a look at how the US (CIA, Dyncorp, George Soros), Israel (Mossad), Honduras, Costa Rica (the Chinchilla-Lieberman regime and intelligence agents) and Russia (well, Israeli agents dressed as "Russian Martial arts" trainers) are conspiring against Ortega.

On, and one more thing.  The Chinchilla-Lieberman regime is also flooding El Salvador with cocaine so as to destabilize that country as well.

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