Monday, November 8, 2010

The Invisibles - Amnesty International

Marc Silver & Gael Garcìa Bernal have a film "The Invisible" posted at Amnesty International that highlights the suffering of Central Americans traveling through Mexico on their way to the United States.  This is the trailer above.  There are four clips on Amnesty's website.
Every year, tens of thousands of women, men and children travel through Mexico without legal permission. As "invisible" migrants they head for the US border in the hope of finding a new life far from the poverty they've left behind. Their journey is one of the most dangerous in the world.

Amnesty is asking for your help to encourage the Mexican government to do more to protect these vulnerable migrants.  See Emilio Godoy's piece on IPS for more information about the dangerous journey through Mexico. 

I can't help but think that in fifty or one hundred years, our children and grandchildren are going to wonder why facilitating the free movement of people between the US, Canada, Mexico, and Central America wasn't a higher priority.  Instead, we set up roadblocks to make travel as dangerous as possible.

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